Mark Mullinex
Mark Mullinex, CLMP
- former Director, Ascenda Loyalty (Singapore)
- SE Asian Faculty Leader
Mark Mullinix leads the Consulting and Advisory function for Ascenda, a global provider of loyalty technology for the travel and financial services industries. Prior to that he was founder and Managing Director of Loyalty Advantage, a Singapore based full-service consulting and technology company focused on building effective travel industry and multi-segment programs. Mark has personally led or contributed to projects with airlines such as ANA, JAL, Cathay Pacific, Jet Airways, and Thai Airways, and large coalition programs such as Payback (Germany) and Rabbit Rewards (Thailand).
Prior to Loyalty Advantage, Mark was responsible for business development, credit card strategy, and rewards and product development for American Express, specializing in loyalty and rewards partnerships across Asia. Mark’s passion for loyalty has been developed over the past 15 years of extensive travel and engagement with the sector, including work with leading Canadian and UK coalition programs.
Mark is a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional (CLMP) and he joined the Loyalty Academy faculty in May 2017. He holds a degree in Psychology and Sociology from Dartmouth College (USA) and an MBA from INSEAD (Singapore).