CLMP On-Demand
If you want to become a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™️ (CLMP™️), we have a special offer. You can purchase all courses to complete the requirements to achieve your CLMP™️ for the low UPFRONT price of $1,750. This learning is completed 100% online and on-demand FOR MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY AND CONVENIENCE.
On demand delivery is a convenient option to seamlessly integrate with your personal schedule. All courses are delivered by a Loyalty Academy Faculty member. You complete our courses as an audio/video presentation on demand, at your own pace. All you need is a high-speed internet connection for your browser.
You may register for CLMP™ On-demand and you will receive a welcome email with your temporary password to access your courses (please check your junk folder if not received). Your welcome email will also include a button to click from the email, directly to your membership account. You may then change the temporary password from your account page. Once your lifetime membership account is set-up, you may login at any time to view and complete one or more courses as part of your journey to becoming a CLMP™️.
Loyalty Academy courses range from our required Core Curriculum courses (100 series) to Electives (200 series) to Advanced Guest Lecture courses (300 series). Courses vary in length depending on the topic, but most are delivered in approximately one (1) hour. All courses are delivered in English unless otherwise noted.

Your available courses may be viewed from your “My Courses” page. You will initially have access to all our Core courses (101 to 112). As you complete each course “mark complete” and your progress will be tracked at the course level and in the upper progress bar.
After completion of our core courses, you will then have access to our Elective and Guest Lecture courses (200 and 300 series). You will need to complete only 2 of these courses from the multiple courses available. As you do with our Core courses, when you complete each course “mark complete” and your progress will be tracked at the course level and in the upper progress bar.
Following completion of 14 courses (12 core and 2 electives), you will gain access to our final exam (course 113). The exam is an online questionnaire of 22 multiple-choice questions. You will also download an excel document for a financial model exercise that is completed offline, then uploaded for assessment. We will then mark the questionnaire and financial model and advise on your final mark and status as a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™️ (CLMP™️).
Please note, as a CLMP™️, you may continue your learning journey, as you will have lifetime access to our entire Course Curriculum, including any new courses added.